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August 9, 2023

Exploring Resveratrol’s Health Benefits Part 3: Skin and Vision Preservation & Restoration

Benefits of Longevinex


“I’m back,” Teddy said, breezing into my office. “Research complete,” I asked. “Learn anything?”

“And how,” he replied. “That “reverse-it-all stuff you gave me is amazing.” “Resveratrol,” I said.

“Like I said,” Teddy repeated, “reverse-it-all.” “You are impossible, Teddy.”

“I went down to Vegas to where they make it,” Teddy said. “Unbelievable. They take grapes, remove the skin, filter it through one machine, break it down with a water injection process, rewash it with a solvent, then filter it again to remove what they call non-polar or less polar compounds and debris fragments from the pulp. (1) The fantastic thing is they can do all that and sell it for only 30-40 bucks a month.”

“Did they make it in the correct form, “I asked. “Remember, we want our resveratrol in the trans-form.”

“Yes, Doc,” Teddy said.

“You’re annoyed with me, Teddy,” I asked.

“You told me before,” Teddy said. “Resveratrol for medicinal purposes comes in two forms. The “Trans” resveratrol positions its’ atoms on the opposite side of its double bond. Trans-Resveratrol is a straight molecule.

“Cis” Resveratrol’s atoms are on the same side of its’ backbone double bond creating a zigzag or bent shape to its structure.

“Cis” Trans-Resveratrol is the anti-inflammatory, 99% pure, 20 times more potent, and cheaper extract than the 5-10% potent cis-resveratrol version.” (2-3) We want the trans-resveratrol form.

I gave Teddy a knowing nod.

“Do your trick again, Doc,” Teddy said. “Trick?” I asked.

“You know,” he replied. “The one where you recite the fifty ways reverse-it-all keeps me young and healthy.”

“It’s not a trick, Teddy,” I said. “Remember, I was in theatre for twenty years.” “Do it.”

“Oh, okay, I replied, “here goes.”

I looked towards the ceiling, closed my eyes, gave it a minute to come to me, then rattled off all fifty ways.

Resveratrol’s (RSV) 50 Secrets to Health (4-6)

  1. Reduces inflammation
  2. Improves cholesterol
  3. Increases insulin sensitivity
  4. Protects the heart
  5. Is an anti-cancer agent
  6. Enhances memory and cognition
  7. Improves bone strength
  8. Increase your wind and endurance
  9. Helps you lose weight
  10. Improves your skin
  11. Protects against ultraviolet radiation
  12. Protects against macular degeneration
  13. Improves liver function
  14. Expands blood vessels and reduces blood clotting
  15. Lowers cholesterol
  16. Protects against hardening of the arteries, atherosclerosis
  17. Protects the brain and decreases the chance of stroke
  18. Decreases the incidence of “sugar” diabetes
  19. Enhances the immune system 19 Protects against infections
  20. Improves breathing your respiratory function
  21. Reduces reactive oxidative stress
  22. Improves sleep
  23. Helps alleviate anxiety
  24. Helps alleviate depression
  25. Reduces joint pain.

    Halfway through.
  26. Improves muscle strength
  27. Aids in relieving erectile dysfunction
  28. Protects the brain from neurodegenerative diseases, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Parkinson’s Disease
  29. You will live longer
  30. Protects the gut
  31. Protects against foodborne illnesses
  32. Reduces asthma
  33. Lessens autoimmune disease symptoms
  34. Protects the liver
  35. Protects the kidney
  36. Lessens menopause symptoms
  37. Improves fertility
  38. Strengthens your teeth and gums
  39. Is an anti-viral agent
  40. Reduces arthritis-Just

    Ten to go.
  41. Improves ADHD symptoms
  42. Improves your lung function
  43. Protects your skin against cancer
  44. Improves insulin resistance
  45. Reduces the risk of heart disease
  46. Reduces the risk of dementia
  47. Reduces the risk of obesity
  48. Balances estrogen
  49. Reduces chronic fatigue syndromeAnd lastly, drum roll…
  50. Reduces the risk of and improves the outcomes of migraine headaches.”

“Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow,” Teddy said. How do you do that? “Easy if you take it logically (7),” I replied.

“The fifty ways,” Teddy said. “You and your Paul Simon.” “He’s classic,” I replied. “Just like you and me.”

“Unlike Paul Simon,” Teddy said, “who claims there are 50 ways (to leave your lover) and stopped at five, (8) you’ve already covered the first nine. (9-10) What say you about the next three? My skin itches and flakes all the time.”

“Probably your blood sugar, what are you eating,” I replied. “Still having two desserts every night?”

Teddy’s face reddened.

“No, doc,” you told me not to. And stop reading my mind.” “What else,” I asked.

“My eyes are going. I see little black spots right as I look straight ahead. The eye doc says I have immaculate regeneration.”

“Macular degeneration,” I said. “Immaculate regeneration. Really, Teddy, where were you raised?”

“Wilkes Barre, Pa.,” he said proudly. “Where I come from, everyone calls it immaculate regeneration.”

“Take a seat,” I said, gesturing to a chair across from my desk. I’ve got a story for you.”

Skin Preservation and Restoration

I reached across my desk and grabbed a hunk of loose skin from Teddy’s jowls.

“Yow!,” Teddy yelped, pulling my hand away.

I grabbed another hunk of flesh hanging from his chin. “Look here, “I said, tugging on him.

“As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and starts to sag. Kind of reminds me of a song.”

“Doc,” Teddy said, gripping my wrist as I released him. “Don’t you have other customers waiting? I need to get moving. Lunch at the Senior Center is at noon sharp. Not 11:55, not 12:05. I’m going to miss it at this rate.”

Ignoring him, I continued.

“Even you, Teddy, want to look young and beautiful.”

“I do,” Teddy said. “Wait. I am beautiful. All the girls in the “Time of Your Life” Day Care Center say so.”

“Anyway,” I said, “Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), an enzymatic protein located primarily in the cell nuclei, plays a role in response to inflammatory, metabolic, and oxidative stressors that contribute to cellular regulation. (11)

“All of a sudden,” Teddy said, “We went from chasing 70-year-old “girls” to SIRT1 doctor talk. I don’t know anything about SIRT1s.”

“Resveratrol blocks the effects of SIRT1,” I said. “It protects against premature aging, collagen breakdown, and ultraviolet rays. Regular use of RSV reduces redness, inflammation, and signs of skin irritation.” (12)

“Everyone in town knows you’re smart, Doc,” Teddy said. “No need to put on airs.”

“That RSV easily penetrates cutaneous barriers,” I said, “makes it an ideal vehicle for skin formulations. Resveratrol stimulates fibroblast proliferation, contributing to an increase in the concentration of collagen III. Additionally, resveratrol has an affinity for estrogen receptor receptors (ERα and ERβ), stimulating collagen types I and II production.”

“And,” I continued. “It is antioxidant. RSV protects cells against oxidative damage associated with the effects of free radicals and ultraviolet UV radiation on the skin by reducing the expression of AP-1 and NF-kB factors. Resveratrol slows the process of skin photoaging.” (13)

“In other words, Teddy, get rid of the junk food. Do you want to stay young? Add resveratrol-rich foods: peanuts, pistachios, grapes, red and white wine, blueberries, cranberries, cocoa, and dark chocolate to your diet.” (14) “And cover up in the sun.”

Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation Protection

“It’s summer, Doc,” I like getting burnt. Makes me look younger.”

“When we were younger,” I said, “and didn’t know better, we used Crisco oil, slathered it on our faces, and lay on a lounge chair in the middle of the day in the sun. Had an aluminum reflector under our chins to really burn in the rays. Now you’re coming in here crying about leather lady skin and cancers all over.”

“That’s kinda harsh, Doc,” Teddy said.

“Admit it,” I said. “You did it. I did it. I’m sure your wife Steph did it. Harsh for your own good. Being out in the sun like that isn’t good for you. You know this. 30% of all newly diagnosed cancers are non-melanomas of the skin. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, particularly UVB @ 290-320 nm, causes 90% of these skin tumors.” (15)

I pulled a resveratrol-green tea-based sun tan blocker from a cupboard behind my desk.

“Let me have an arm,” I said.

“No tattoos, at least,” I said, rubbing the cream on his right forearm palm up.

“Tattoos are no good?” Teddy asked.

“I don’t know for sure,” I said. “I read somewhere 7% of all people with tattoos have long-term issues with them. Allergies, irritations, inflammation,oxidative stress, toxic ink particles. It can’t be good for you. I don’t have anything on the increased incidence of skin cancers, but dark ink can sometimes hide lumps or bumps under the skin.” (43)

Teddy looked pale. “What,” I asked. “The missus and I had ’em done where no one can see ’em,” he said.

“I don’t want to hear this,” I replied. “Focus, Teddy. Back to resveratrol. Without any additives, this cream gives us an SPF of 25. Not bad for something all-natural without any synthetics. (16) Using it regularly before or after sun exposure significantly reduces tumor incidence and delays the onset of tumor formation.” (17) RSV’s anti-tumor effects are associated with decreased expression levels of the inflammatory cytokine TGF-β1.” (18)

“To boost the SPF, we add resveratrol to conventional sunscreens up to a 20% concentration.” (19) “At low concentrations, RSV is an antioxidant that protects cells from DNA damage and oxidative stress. In high concentrations (>1500 mg/d), RSV is a pro-oxidant promoting DNA damage while increasing oxidative stress.” (20)

“Remember,” I said to Teddy. “Our old friend Bing Crosby.” “Another song,” Teddy said

“Accentuate the positive,” I replied. “Eliminate the negative.” (21)

“And the next two lines,” Teddy said, “latch on to the affirmative, and don’t mess around with Mister Inbetween.”

“Good advice,” I said. “In this case, we find:” (22)

Resveratrol’s UV spectrum, with maximum absorption at 305 nm (ε M 28,044) and 309 nm (εM 27,816), makes this compound an ideal highly selective UV-B sunscreen

Resveratrol has better sunscreen ability than conventionally used sunscreens (K value 123 in the UV-B region), reducing the material needed to protect against erythemal rays.

Resveratrol’s UV spectrum and K values are independent of solvent and pH values. For this reason, using the molecule as sunscreen is compatible with many cosmetic formulations.

Resveratrol is a natural, stable compound that can be extracted in large amounts at prices compatible with industrial use as a sunscreen from the roots of the plant Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese Knotweed).

The potent anti-oxidant activity of resveratrol prevents propagation in the skin of free radicals originating from UV radiation;Resveratrol’s anti-aging action on sun radiation-stressed skin relieves the coupled effects of radical protection and vasorelaxant activity; Resveratrol’s anti-inflammatory action limits the severe consequences of erythema formation after exposure to the sunburn UV-B band, allowing it to act as a rapid and efficient skin tanning process.

Characterized by anti-mutation action, resveratrol exhibits a specific capacity to inhibit the cellular events associated with tumor initiation and promotion. RSV prevents mutagenic activity due to overexposure to sun radiation. Lipophilic (ethers and esters with long-chain alcohols and carboxylic acids) and hydrophilic (ethoxylated and glycosylated) resveratrol derivatives provide sunscreen preparations with optimal properties of moisture resistance and water solubility, respectively.”

Vision Protection

“If it’s good for the skin,” I asked Teddy, “do you think resveratrol might be good for your eyes?”

“Trick question,” Teddy asked.

“Come on, Teddy,” I replied. “This isn’t hard. Given resveratrol’s anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, ultraviolet, and neuroprotective properties, of course, RSV is good for your eyes.” (23)

“Treatments using RSV inhibit diabetic changes like increased vascular leakage and loss of pericytes while it facilitates regulation of the VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor), TGF-β1 (transforming growth factor -β1), COX-2, IL-6, and IL-8 protein levels. (24-25) Early intervention with resveratrol decreases retinal lesion incidence by up to 70% versus placebo.” (26)

“Oxidative stress leads to disturbances in circulation in the aqueous humor leading to ocular hypertension (glaucoma). RSV reduces the production of intracellular ROS by decreasing inflammatory markers interleukin IL-1α, IL-6, IL-8.” (27)

“Age-related macular degeneration, both wet and dry, is associated with injury and cell death in the retinal pigment epithelium cells (RPE). (28) RSV’s antioxidant effect, specifically its ability to reduce inflammatory cytokines TGF-β and hypoxia-induced VEGF, prevents apoptosis of human RPE cells improving macular degeneration outcomes.” (29)

“Due to the stimulation to increase levels of glutathione, RSV inhibits the formation of selenite-induced cataracts, diabetic cataracts, and posterior capsule opacification after cataract surgery.” (30-32)

“Resveratrol prevents cellular and molecular inflammatory responses (uveitis) by inhibiting oxidative damage and redox-sensitive NF-kappa-β activation.” (33)

“By correcting mitochondrial dysfunction, at doses ranging from 2 to 50 mg/kg, RSV, within 3-5 weeks, resveratrol reduces uveal melanoma (eye tumor) growth by up to 50%. (34-35) We see a similar response in retinoblastoma ocular neoplasms.” (36)

“Resveratrol’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects reduce the toxic influences of infectious agents, particularly Acanthamoeba castellanii and Staphylococcus aureus. Combined with levofloxacin (moxifloxacin), ocular structures survive at many times greater incidence than using either agent alone.” (37-38)

“Supplementation with Vitamin D to an “optimal” level of 50-80 ng/ml alleviates, in most cases, dry eye syndrome. (39) Administering supplemental resveratrol, which regulates vitamin D receptors, and lowering inflammatory cytokines IL-1 and CD4 T cells hastens dry eye syndrome recovery.” (40)

“Resveratrol influences myopia by increasing collagen I levels while decreasing matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)2, transforming growth factor (TGF)-β, nuclear factor (NF)-κB, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-1β. The anti-inflammatory effects of resveratrol block relevant signaling pathways to facilitate nearsightedness development.” (41)

“RSV inhibits the development of a condition where cellular membranes form on the retina’s surface. These membranes contract and pull open breaks in the retina, leading to complex retinal detachments.” (42)”


“And there you have it, Teddy,” I said.

I flipped him a box of my favorite brand of resveratrol, Longevinex.

“Resveratrol preserves your skin’s youthfulness, works as a sunscreen in topical form, and rebuilds collagen. RSV is efficacious against diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, infections, eye tumors, dry eye syndrome, nearsightedness, and retinal detachment.”

“In other words,” Teddy said, “Resveratrol is GOOD STUFF.”

“Indeed,” I replied again, pointing to the supplement box. “Take those every day. Add resveratrol-containing foods, grapes, berries, pistachios, and dark chocolate. You will love it. And like my old acupuncture teacher, Dr. Kim, said when asked what was in a bag of herbs that looked like rocks and twigs and I swear I saw bugs flying, he would say, resveratrol is:”



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