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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Longevinex®?
Longevinex® is a leading nutraceutical company specializing in high-quality, scientifically backed supplements. Since 2004, Longevinex® has been at the forefront of developing anti-aging supplements that support healthy aging through rigorously researched and clinically tested formulations.
Longevinex® utilizes a patented nutraceutical matrix that enhances the absorption and stability of resveratrol, a key ingredient known for its anti-aging properties. This matrix mimics the effects of a calorie-restricted diet and activates longevity genes more effectively than resveratrol alone.
Longevinex® stands out due to its: ‌ Patented Formula: Enhances the absorption and stability of resveratrol. Scientific Validation: The only resveratrol-based supplement to pass toxicity testing and proven to dilate arteries, improve blood flow, and protect the heart in clinical studies. Synergistic Ingredients: Includes additional nutrients that work together to enhance anti-aging effects.
Users of Longevinex® can expect several health benefits, including: ‌ Enhanced Longevity: Activates longevity genes and mimics the benefits of a calorie-restricted diet. Improved Cardiovascular Health: Improves blood flow and protects against heart damage. Stabilized Formula: Longer shelf life and protection against degradation from light, heat, and oxygen.
Yes, every supplement by Longevinex® is clinically tested for efficacy and safety, ensuring they meet and exceed industry standards. The supplements have undergone extensive testing, including toxicity testing published in reputable journals.
For optimal results, follow the dosage instructions on the product label or as advised by your healthcare provider. It’s important to incorporate these supplements into a balanced lifestyle that includes a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Longevinex® is actively involved in scientific research, holding a US Patent for its unique nutraceutical matrix. This matrix is celebrated and used by researchers and has been the subject of various studies published in journals like Food Chemistry Toxicology and Experimental Gerontology.
Stuart Richer, OD, Ph.D., FAAO
Chief, Optometry Section – DVA North Chicago
Associate Professor, Family and Preventative Medicine – Chicago Medical School
The official expiration date is 2 years from the date of production, which is what the FDA allows to be published on packaging until shelf life studies are conducted. Longevinex has a real shelf life of 3 plus years.
Currently, Longevinex offers wholesale accounts only to licensed Medical professionals.
Longevinex is only offered to our customers and Medical Professionals
Please call or Email to request product information.
Brief exposure to X-ray radiation does not degrade the ingredients in Longevinex.
For international customers, go to our website at www.longevinex.com to place your order. We offer US Postal Service International commercial shipping options as well as FedEx. It may take up to ten business days to receive your order. For faster delivery, we ship via FedEx International Economy or Priority. FedEx offers our customers a 77% discount on shipping.
Mexico, Brazil, Denmark, Argentina, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Austria, Spain, Peru, Portugal, Norway, Poland, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Russia, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand, China, Turkey, United Arab Emirates.
After full growth is achieved in males (age 18 years) or the onset of menopause in females (45 years of age), it would be appropriate to take Longevinex. Women who have undergone early hysterectomy are candidates for Longevinex. Growing children should not consume Longevinex.
Longevinex has anti-growth factors that are not compatible with childbearing.

Because Longevinex provides mineral chelators (key-lay-tors) that may induce anemia and may produce frontal headaches, fatigue, and Achilles heel soreness, the onset of menopause is the most ideal time for women to start taking Longevinex. Until then, menstrual flow controlled the accumulation of minerals in the body.
Most of the testing of ingredients in Longevinex has been conducted on animals. Many consumers have opened Longevinex capsules and added them to pet chow. Low doses are recommended.
Ingredients in Longevinex are all from plant sources except for natural vitamin D3, which is obtained from lanolin (sheep skin). Longevinex prefers not to use synthetic vitamin D2, which is less effective.
Longevinex contains no gluten, no soy, no GMO.
While relatively safe and side effects are uncommon, Longevinex is not totally without side effects. Longevinex should not be taken if anemic. Symptoms may include fatigue, leg cramps in bed at night, and frontal headaches.

Longevinex may induce Achilles heel soreness (tendonitis) if your diet is deficient in copper. If this occurs, cease taking Longevinex for a time and consume foods that provide copper, such as nuts and cocoa. Supplemental magnesium and vitamin C are also recommended if this occurs.

You may take too many supplements containing polyphenols that bind to minerals such as copper.

Take with meals to reduce the chance of gastric side effects. Ingredients in Longevinex may induce symptoms of skin rash, anxiety, stiff hands, and flu-like symptoms. Cease taking if this occurs.

Excessive consumption of polyphenols (bioflavonoids) like those provided in Longevinex (quercetin, resveratrol, ferulic acid, grape seed, green tea, curcumin, coffee bean, turmeric, milk thistle, cinnamon, may inhibit an enzyme that keeps a lid on adrenal stress hormones, which can then result in symptoms of anxiety, panic attacks, sleeplessness, hunger, high blood pressure, and heart palpitations. Cease taking Longevinex if symptoms like these occur, and evaluate your total consumption of polyphenols from your diet and supplements.
The dose of resveratrol and total ingredients in Longevinex has been carefully calculated to mimic the effect of three to five glasses of dark red wine to produce an optimal biological effect for a 160-pound adult. More is not better and may negate the positive benefits altogether. It is also important not to take too many other herbal supplements in the same class as resveratrol, such as curcumin, green tea, grape seed, milk thistle, etc.
Longevinex: Take 1 capsule per day.

Advantage: Take 2 capsules per day.

Take Longevinex or Advantage in the morning or the afternoon.
Yes, if Longevinex is ineffective, then your visual deterioration may progress. Longevinex is not a foolproof agent.
Most likely.
You take Longevinex to counter the accumulation of minerals that lead to aging. If you stop taking it as you usually would, you will no longer receive those benefits from its use.
Longevinex has been in business since 2004.
Photographic studies reveal that patients taking Longevinex exhibit renewal of tissues in the back of the eyes that can only be explained by stem cell renewal.
The Food & Drug Administration does not permit any dietary supplement company to say its product prevents disease.
Longevinex can be taken without or without food. Because Longevinex is known as a red wine pill, and the long-living French drink wine with their meals, consumers have generally been advised to take Longevinex with meals.
Longevinex is not a drug, nor can it be said it replaces any drugs. However, its ingredients mimic the biological action of many medications such as antidepressants, antibiotics, anti-fungal agents, anti-virals, anti-cholesterol agents, anti-inflammatory drugs, pain medications, blood thinners, and anti-diabetic drugs.
Longevinex has not undergone extensive testing to say it can replace prescription blood thinners. A study was conducted showing Longevinex inhibits the clumping of blood platelets (clotting factors) within 30 minutes of use, whereas prescription blood thinners initially take 2 months to work.
Japanese knotweed is the most concentrated, available, and economical source of resveratrol. It is extracted from this plant that grows wild throughout the world. Giant knotweed is not subjected to herbicides as are grown crops. Giant knotweed provides resveratrol along with emodin, a natural molecule that may induce episodes of diarrhea. To eliminate diarrhea side effects, resveratrol should be an 80-plus percent extract from giant knotweed.

Resveratrol is a polyphenol compound found in grapes, berries, peanuts, red wine, and giant knotweed. Giant knotweed is widely grown throughout Japan and is foraged as a wild edible vegetable. The root of Polygonum cuspidatum, were widely used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine. It is also known to be a rich source of resveratrol, which is a natural polyphenol.
Polyphenols: These are a class of small molecules in nature known to pass through cell walls and influence genetic machinery. They are all metal-binding molecules that help to control heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, copper, iron, etc.

Lutein: This is a yellow pigment often obtained from marigold flower petals that acts as a natural sunscreen for the eyes and skin.
Nucleotides: Are found naturally in peas, lentils, and beans. They are parts of DNA. The provision of nucleotides aids in DNA repair.

IP6: This is a naturally occurring polyphosphorylated carbohydrate, abundant in many plant sources and specific high-fiber diets, such as cereals and legumes.

Quercetin: This may help protect against heart disease and cancer. Quercetin can also help stabilize the cells that release histamine in the body, thereby having an anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect.

Ferulic Acid: This is an antioxidant that works to boost the effects of other antioxidants. It is a small molecule found in fruits that is similar in structure to resveratrol.
In an animal study, it took a lifetime to activate half as many genes activated in just a few weeks taking Longevinex. Some animal and human studies show that plain resveratrol doesn’t work in all instances. That is because plain resveratrol has to be taken to get its full benefit, and our formula is a proprietary blend that includes resveratrol.
Common over-the-counter medications, like aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen, can be taken alongside Longevinex, though Longevinex contains ingredients that theoretically do the same. Longevinex thins the blood more safely than aspirin.
Blood thinners? Yes, but we advise 2-4 hours apart from any medications.
Blood pressure medication? Yes, but take 2-4 hours apart from any medications.
Ingredients in Longevinex bind to metallic minerals in foods and help to control the overload of minerals in the body. Vitamin C counters this effect and helps prevent anemia. If consuming Longevinex with a meal, then take vitamin C at a separate meal. Or take Longevinex in between meals.
Yes, you can consume foods that contain Vitamin C.

Take a vitamin C supplement at a different time than Longevinex or Advantage (wait 2 hours before or after).
Longevinex Advantage may replace supplements you now take for joint, skin, and eye health.

Examples are glucosamine, lutein, and vitamin D.
DNA Repair Factor is now included in Longevinex to enhance DNA repair by providing supplemental DNA parts (nucleotides). The human body usually has a supply of spare DNA parts. But during wound healing or tissue repair, nucleotides that form the steps on the DNA ladder may be in short supply. A shortage of DNA parts can lead to errors in DNA repair and subsequent gene mutations. Living cells are forced to increase abnormally in numbers when there is an insufficient pool of nucleotide spare parts to support normal DNA replication.

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