
Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I get more information regarding Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)?2022-12-30T19:26:04+00:00

Stuart Richer, OD, Ph.D., FAAO
Chief, Optometry Section – DVA North Chicago
Associate Professor, Family and Preventative Medicine – Chicago Medical School

Can I still take Longevinex after the expiration date?2022-12-16T19:38:09+00:00

The official expiration date is 2 years from the date of production, which is what the FDA allows to be published on packaging until shelf life studies are conducted. Longevinex has a real shelf life of 3 plus years.

Can I set up a wholesale account?2022-12-16T19:37:39+00:00

Currently, Longevinex offers wholesale accounts only to licensed Medical professionals.

Can I buy Longevinex in a health food store? Are there other locations that sell your product?2022-12-16T19:37:04+00:00

Longevinex is only offered to our customers and Medical Professionals

Do you provide free literature?2022-12-16T19:36:21+00:00

Please call or Email to request product information.

Does Fed-Ex/USPS use X-Ray on the packages? How will that affect the product?2022-12-16T19:35:52+00:00

Brief exposure to X-ray radiation does not degrade the ingredients in Longevinex.

How much does it cost to ship internationally? Will there be problems with customs?2022-12-16T19:35:08+00:00

For international customers, go to our website at www.longevinex.com to place your order. We offer US Postal Service International commercial shipping options as well as FedEx. It may take up to ten business days to receive your order. For faster delivery, we ship via FedEx International Economy or Priority. FedEx offers our customers a 77% discount on shipping.

What countries do you NOT ship to due to customs restrictions?2022-12-16T19:34:09+00:00

Mexico, Brazil, Denmark, Argentina, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Austria, Spain, Peru, Portugal, Norway, Poland, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Russia, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand, China, Turkey, United Arab Emirates.

How old should you be to take Longevinex?2022-12-16T19:33:30+00:00

After full growth is achieved in males (age 18 years) or the onset of menopause in females (45 years of age), it would be appropriate to take Longevinex. Women who have undergone early hysterectomy are candidates for Longevinex. Growing children should not consume Longevinex.

Can a menstruating woman take Longevinex?2022-12-16T19:32:43+00:00

Longevinex has anti-growth factors that are not compatible with childbearing.

Because Longevinex provides mineral chelators (key-lay-tors) that may induce anemia and may produce frontal headaches, fatigue, and Achilles heel soreness, the onset of menopause is the most ideal time for women to start taking Longevinex. Until then, menstrual flow controlled the accumulation of minerals in the body.

Can I give this to my dog/cat?2022-12-16T19:31:31+00:00

Most of the testing of ingredients in Longevinex has been conducted on animals. Many consumers have opened Longevinex capsules and added them to pet chow. Low doses are recommended.

Is Longevinex vegetarian? Is Longevinex vegan?2022-12-16T19:19:59+00:00

Ingredients in Longevinex are all from plant sources except for natural vitamin D3, which is obtained from lanolin (sheep skin). Longevinex prefers not to use synthetic vitamin D2, which is less effective.

Is it gluten-free?2022-12-16T19:19:27+00:00

Longevinex contains no gluten, no soy, no GMO.

What would be a side effect of taking too much?2022-12-16T19:18:56+00:00

While relatively safe and side effects are uncommon, Longevinex is not totally without side effects.
Longevinex should not be taken if anemic. Symptoms may include fatigue, leg cramps in bed at night, and frontal headaches.

Longevinex may induce Achilles heel soreness (tendonitis) if your diet is deficient in copper. If this occurs, cease taking Longevinex for a time and consume foods that provide copper, such as nuts and cocoa. Supplemental magnesium and vitamin C are also recommended if this occurs.

You may take too many supplements containing polyphenols that bind to minerals such as copper.

Take with meals to reduce the chance of gastric side effects. Ingredients in Longevinex may induce symptoms of skin rash, anxiety, stiff hands, and flu-like symptoms. Cease taking if this occurs.

Excessive consumption of polyphenols (bioflavonoids) like those provided in Longevinex (quercetin, resveratrol, ferulic acid, grape seed, green tea, curcumin, coffee bean, turmeric, milk thistle, cinnamon, may inhibit an enzyme that keeps a lid on adrenal stress hormones, which can then result in symptoms of anxiety, panic attacks, sleeplessness, hunger, high blood pressure, and heart palpitations. Cease taking Longevinex if symptoms like these occur, and evaluate your total consumption of polyphenols from your diet and supplements.

Will I get better results from taking more capsules than is recommended?2022-12-16T19:18:25+00:00

The dose of resveratrol and total ingredients in Longevinex has been carefully calculated to mimic the effect of three to five glasses of dark red wine to produce an optimal biological effect for a 160-pound adult. More is not better and may negate the positive benefits altogether. It is also important not to take too many other herbal supplements in the same class as resveratrol, such as curcumin, green tea, grape seed, milk thistle, etc.

How many Longevinex/Advantage capsules do I take?2022-12-16T19:17:53+00:00

Longevinex: Take 1 capsule per day.

Advantage: Take 2 capsules per day.

Take Longevinex or Advantage in the morning or the afternoon.

Is it possible for my eyes to get worse after taking Longevinex?2022-12-16T19:17:16+00:00

Yes, if Longevinex is ineffective, then your visual deterioration may progress. Longevinex is not a foolproof agent.

If I stop taking Longevinex, will my eyes return to how they were?2022-12-16T19:16:44+00:00

Most likely.

How long do I have to take Longevinex?2022-12-16T19:15:57+00:00

You take Longevinex to counter the accumulation of minerals that lead to aging. If you stop taking it as you usually would, you will no longer receive those benefits from its use.

How long has Longevinex been in business?2022-12-16T19:15:25+00:00

Longevinex has been in business since 2004.

Does it regenerate stem cells?2022-12-16T19:14:54+00:00

Photographic studies reveal that patients taking Longevinex exhibit renewal of tissues in the back of the eyes that can only be explained by stem cell renewal.

Can I use it as a preventative for any ailments?2022-12-16T19:14:25+00:00

The Food & Drug Administration does not permit any dietary supplement company to say its product prevents disease.

Do I have to take Longevinex with food?2022-12-16T19:13:38+00:00

Longevinex can be taken without or without food. Because Longevinex is known as a red wine pill, and the long-living French drink wine with their meals, consumers have generally been advised to take Longevinex with meals.

What medications can I eliminate from using Longevinex?2022-12-16T19:13:09+00:00

Longevinex is not a drug, nor can it be said it replaces any drugs. However, its ingredients mimic the biological action of many medications such as antidepressants, antibiotics, anti-fungal agents, anti-virals, anti-cholesterol agents, anti-inflammatory drugs, pain medications, blood thinners, and anti-diabetic drugs.

Can I stop my blood thinners if I take Longevinex?2022-12-16T19:12:32+00:00

Longevinex has not undergone extensive testing to say it can replace prescription blood thinners. A study was conducted showing Longevinex inhibits the clumping of blood platelets (clotting factors) within 30 minutes of use, whereas prescription blood thinners initially take 2 months to work.

Why is resveratrol made from Japanese Knotweed?2023-04-07T00:37:01+00:00

Japanese knotweed is the most concentrated, available, and economical source of resveratrol. It is extracted from this plant that grows wild throughout the world. Giant knotweed is not subjected to herbicides as are grown crops. Giant knotweed provides resveratrol along with emodin, a natural molecule that may induce episodes of diarrhea. To eliminate diarrhea side effects, resveratrol should be an 80-plus percent extract from giant knotweed.

Resveratrol is a polyphenol compound found in grapes, berries, peanuts, red wine, and giant knotweed. Giant knotweed is widely grown throughout Japan and is foraged as a wild edible vegetable. The root of Polygonum cuspidatum, were widely used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine. It is also known to be a rich source of resveratrol, which is a natural polyphenol.


What are Polyphenols, Lutein?2022-12-16T19:11:27+00:00

Polyphenols: These are a class of small molecules in nature known to pass through cell walls and influence genetic machinery. They are all metal-binding molecules that help to control heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, copper, iron, etc.

Lutein: This is a yellow pigment often obtained from marigold flower petals that acts as a natural sunscreen for the eyes and skin.

What are Nucleotides, IP6, Quercetin, and Ferulic Acid?2022-12-16T19:10:58+00:00

Nucleotides: Are found naturally in peas, lentils, and beans. They are parts of DNA. The provision of nucleotides aids in DNA repair.

IP6: This is a naturally occurring polyphosphorylated carbohydrate, abundant in many plant sources and specific high-fiber diets, such as cereals and legumes.

Quercetin: This may help protect against heart disease and cancer. Quercetin can also help stabilize the cells that release histamine in the body, thereby having an anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect.

Ferulic Acid: This is an antioxidant that works to boost the effects of other antioxidants. It is a small molecule found in fruits that is similar in structure to resveratrol.

It’s too expensive, why should I buy your resveratrol over other brands?2022-12-16T19:10:26+00:00

In an animal study, it took a lifetime to activate half as many genes activated in just a few weeks taking Longevinex. Some animal and human studies show that plain resveratrol doesn’t work in all instances. That is because plain resveratrol has to be taken to get its full benefit, and our formula is a proprietary blend that includes resveratrol.

What about over-the-counter medications?2022-12-16T19:09:54+00:00

Common over-the-counter medications, like aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen, can be taken alongside Longevinex, though Longevinex contains ingredients that theoretically do the same. Longevinex thins the blood more safely than aspirin.

Can I take Longevinex with medications?2022-12-16T19:09:04+00:00

Blood thinners? Yes, but we advise 2-4 hours apart from any medications.
Blood pressure medication? Yes, but take 2-4 hours apart from any medications.

Why can’t I take Vitamin C at the same time as Longevinex?2022-12-16T17:24:48+00:00

Ingredients in Longevinex bind to metallic minerals in foods and help to control the overload of minerals in the body. Vitamin C counters this effect and helps prevent anemia.   If consuming Longevinex with a meal, then take vitamin C at a separate meal.  Or take Longevinex in between meals.

Can I eat foods that contain Vitamin C?2022-12-16T17:23:57+00:00

Yes, you can consume foods that contain Vitamin C.


Take a vitamin C supplement at a different time than Longevinex or Advantage (wait 2 hours before or after).

Which Supplements can I discontinue when taking Longevinex/Advantage?2022-12-16T17:23:06+00:00

Longevinex Advantage may replace supplements you now take for joint, skin, and eye health.

Examples are glucosamine, lutein, and vitamin D.

What is the “DNA Repair Factor”?2022-12-16T17:22:20+00:00

DNA Repair Factor is now included in Longevinex to enhance DNA repair by providing supplemental DNA parts (nucleotides). The human body usually has a supply of spare DNA parts.  But during wound healing or tissue repair, nucleotides that form the steps on the DNA ladder may be in short supply.  A shortage of DNA parts can lead to errors in DNA repair and subsequent gene mutations. Living cells are forced to increase abnormally in numbers when there is an insufficient pool of nucleotide spare parts to support normal DNA replication.

Is your Hyaluronic acid (HA) better than other formulas?2022-12-16T17:21:42+00:00

Hyaluronic acid alone is a proven godsend for many people with joint, skin, and eye problems.  But Longevinex Advantage also has ingredients that inhibit the enzyme that breaks down HA in the body, theoretically making it twice as effective as plain HA.

Does Longevinex help Cataracts?2022-12-16T17:20:44+00:00

Some patients with cataracts have reported improved vision while taking Longevinex, but there is inadequate evidence to make that claim. When eye doctors help conduct a study to prove this, only then can that claim be made.

Does Longevinex help Glaucoma?2022-12-16T17:20:02+00:00

The two top glaucoma researchers in the USA suggest their patients take Longevinex as nutritional support.

Does Longevinex help Dry Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)?2022-12-30T19:29:36+00:00

While Dr. Stuart Richer has reported on a few cases where vision has been improving when taking Longevinex for dry macular degeneration, there is no published study, and we don’t know how many out of ten would improve.  Longevinex might be worth trying since there is no proven treatment for this form of the disease.

Does Longevinex help Wet Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)?2022-12-30T19:30:09+00:00

The Food & Drug Administration does not permit any dietary supplement to make that claim.  There is a favorable report by Dr. Stuart Richer that some patients’ vision is improved when taking Longevinex. These were hopeless patients whose vision did not improve after receiving injected medicines into the eyes.

If I am Anemic, can I still take Longevinex if I take iron supplements?2022-12-16T17:18:11+00:00

Doctors have different definitions of what anemia is. If the hemoglobin number is below 10 or ferritin (iron storage number) is below 20, you are probably anemic, though this must be confirmed by your doctor.  Iron pills can be taken, but preferably at a different time of day.

How many people see results?2022-12-16T17:17:21+00:00

A recent survey showed that 48% of people with vision problems self-reported that their vision improved by taking Longevinex within 6 weeks of use. However, that is expected to rise considerably once they undergo eye examinations.  This should be understood that Longevinex has been found to be effective for any health condition.

How long before I see results?2022-12-16T17:16:11+00:00

Dr. Stuart Richer, who performed studies using Longevinex, says patients continued to experience visual improvement up to 6 months after using the product.

There is a maker of resveratrol supplements that now claims an extract of astragalus (astragaloside IV) makes a desirable companion to resveratrol because it activates telomerase, an enzyme that lengthens the end caps of chromoscomes. Is astragaloside IV a safe and effective companion with resveratrol?2022-04-18T10:18:52+00:00

The reference used by the manufacturer of the astragaloside IV dietary supplement to substantiate its use does not even mention astragaloside IV, it only mentions that telomere dysfunction is involved in DNA damage.

It is true that telomeres shorten in most tissues during aging.  But there is question as to whether this is a cause or an effect.  The citation itself admits telomere therapy is “under debate.”  The experiment in the study was a test-tube study, not a study to proven longevity in mammals or humans.  Telomere shortening is described as a marker, not a promoter of longevity per se.  [Proceedings National Academy Sciences August 12, 2008 vol. 105 no. 32 11299-11304]

There is no published evidence, so far, to show that astragaloside IV activates or inhibits telomerase.  The discussion concerning astragaloside IV and telomerase apparently has arisen from a recently filed patent application, but patents are sometimes approved with virtually no evidence of their viability.

For awhile there was hope that the use of telomerase, an enzyme that can regenerate the tips of chromosomes as they are shortened with aging, would become a longevity treatment.  But all cancer cells activate telomerase and become immortal, so this approach is still in question. [Science 1994; 266: 2011-15]  Studies also reveal that telomerase deficient mice do not age prematurely. [Cell 1997; 91: 25-34]

Resveratrol has been demonstrated to prevent the senescence of cells by increasing telomerase activity in healthy cells.  [Br J Pharmacol. 2008 Jun 30]  However, resveratrol inhibits telomerase activity in tumor cells.  [Int J Oncology  2006 Mar;28(3):641-8]  This is desirable since high levels of telomerase activity are a hallmark of cancer.  [Current Stem Cell Research There 2007 Jan; 2(1):31-8]

As researchers have clearly stated, “telomere shortening apparently has a dual role in tumor development and progression.  One the one hand, it induces chromosomal instability and the initiation of cancer; on the other hand, tumor progression requires stabilization of telomeres.”  [Hepatology. 2004 Aug; 40(2):276-83]  What telomerase apparently does is induce cells to die off before they become cancerous.

It is true that telomere length at advanced age is a biomarker that predicts survival.  Twins with the shortest telomeres have a three times greater risk of death compared to their co-twin with longer telomere measurement.  [Aging Cell. 2007 Dec; 6(6):769-74]

But it is also true that mammals with the longest telomeres (mice) have the shortest lifespan. A decrease in mean telomere length might result in, on the one hand, an increased life span and, on the other, a higher risk of cancer.   [Med Hypotheses 2006; 67(1):157-60]

Telomere stabilization may end up immortalizing cells, which is the precise state of a cancer cell – it never matures, ages and dies off.  It is immortal.  [J Am Geriatr Soc. 2005 Sep; 53(9 Suppl):S292-4]

Fortunately, even though the advertised dosage of astragaloside IV is a hefty 33 milligrams in the aforementioned dietary supplement, it is very poorly absorbed due to its large molecular size and difficulty obtaining passage through the intestine.  [Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. 2006 Jan-Mar; 31(1):5-10]  Bioavailability studies show that only about 2.2% to 3.6% of astragaloside IV is bio-available in rodents.  [Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol  2004 Dec;95(6):295-8; Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet  2005 Oct-Dec;30(4):269-73]  So this supplement may exert little if any biological activity.  This is an unknown.

It is interesting to note that another small molecule, generally considered as an estrogen-like molecule, genistein from soy, enhances telomerase activity, which results in the proliferation of cancer cells in mice.  Researchers claim genistein “could be detrimental” to prostate cancer patients.  [Carcinogenesis. 2007 Nov; 28(11):2282-90]  What does that say about astragaloside IV?

There is an association between longer telomeres and better health in centenarians.  [J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2008 Aug; 63(8):809-12]  But again, does this mean the longer telomeres promoted health, or were a consequence of other healthy practices?

The suggested use of astragaloside IV appears to be scientifically premature at the very least, and possibly imprudent given issues over its role in the proliferation of cancer.

What kinds of changes can consumers expect to experience when taking Longevinex®?2022-04-18T10:18:16+00:00

Users of Longevinex® often report better endurance and stamina (“no afternoon lull”), faster hair growth, better circulation, darkening of grey hair, and better mental clarity. Many consumers want to know if the resveratrol in Longevinex® will lower their cholesterol numbers or blood pressure. When Dr. Serge Renaud of France announced the French Paradox in 1992 he reported that red wine appeared to lower cardiovascular mortality rates at all levels of cholesterol and blood pressure, which is why this is called a paradox. [Lancet 1992 Jun 20;339(8808):1523-6]

Is resveratrol biologically available? There are some concerns that oral-dose resveratrol is not biologically available in dietary supplements.2022-04-18T10:17:46+00:00

Resveratrol is a small molecule and about 70% is absorbed and rapidly enters the blood circulation and is attached to (conjugated with) detoxifying molecules (sulfur and glucuronate) in the liver. Longevinex® includes quercetin, a natural molecule commonly found in wine and onions, that allows resveratrol to make more passes through the liver, and thus makes resveratrol more immediately available for use. Once metabolized (attached to glucuronate), resveratrol is not available for use, but this metabolic process extends its life from a few minutes to 9 hours. At the site of inflammation, infection or neoplasms, there is an abundant amount of glucuronidase, an unzipping enzyme, which disconnects resveratrol from glucuronate, so it can be delivered to tissues at the right time and place. Oral resveratrol is proving to be active and effective in animal studies. There is little doubt that resveratrol is orally available and found in tissues throughout the body.

Is there any alcohol in Longevinex®2022-04-18T10:17:07+00:00


How much scientific evidence is there that Longevinex® produces health benefits?2022-04-18T10:16:34+00:00

Currently, Longevinex is the only resveratrol-based dietary supplement to have been used successfully in a human study. A relatively low dose of Longevinex, about 1 capsule per day, was shown to reduce markers of inflammation and oxidation among endurance athletes. [Appalachian State University, 2007]

There are hundreds of published reports which confirm the health benefits of red wine molecules.

It has been said that resveratrol could theoretically increase the risk for cancer because it inhibits the p53 tumor suppressor gene. Is it possible that resveratrol even remotely increases the risk for any type of cancer?2022-04-18T10:16:04+00:00

The p53 gene is a tumour-suppressing gene, socalled because, when functioning, it stops tumors from forming. If damaged DNAis beyond repair, p53 causes the cell to self-destruct. So, early on, there wasconcern that resveratrol might increase the risk for cancer, though reams ofscientific evidence show resveratrol halts tumor formation. The most recentstudy now shows that the p53 gene is not what it was thought to be. In a study of chemo patients, scientists at the Georgia Instituteof Technology and the Ovarian Cancer Institute found 70 percent of people whosetumors had mutations in the gene p53 were still alive after five years. Patientswith normal p53 displayed only a 30 percent survival rate.

The scientists said those findings raise the possibility of a new strategy for fighting cancer– namely, developing drugs to disable the functioning of that gene in thetumors of patients undergoing chemotherapy. ;

Does resveratrol, being a plant estrogen-like molecule, interfere with male virility or sperm count?2022-04-18T10:15:38+00:00

According to current research, while resveratrol is a molecule that has weak estrogen-like qualities, unlike other plant estrogens such as from soy, it does not increase the activity of estrogen. Resveratrol has been shown to increase sperm volume in animals by stimulating the hypothalamus and pituitary glands and protects sperm from oxidation. Resveratrol may hinder sperm mobility, but does not reduce the number of offspring in animal studies. Resveratrol is about 1/7000th the activity of estrogen (soy phytoestrogens are about 1/1000th the strength of estrogen) and resveratrol has a half-life of 30 minutes, so it doesn’t exert activity continually.

Since resveratrol is a phytoestrogen, are there any health concerns?2022-04-18T10:15:17+00:00

It is true that resveratrol is an estrogen-like molecule.  We are all learning about the unusual properties of resveratrol.  These unusual properties help to explain its wide margin of safety in human subjects.  It is unusual in the following ways.

1. Resveratrol is the weakest of phytoestrogens, 1/7000th the action of estrogen (soy is about 1/1000th).

2. In a study using resveratrol and genistein (soy plant estrogen), they both increased vitamin D receptor protein expression (vitamin D is considered an anti-cancer vitamin).  Treatment with resveratrol had no effect on cell number or cell cycle profile.

 3. Resveratrol inhibits the aromatase enzyme.  Aromatase inhibitors are widely prescribed to breast cancer patients.  Aromatase inhibition blocks the production of estrogen.

 4. In a study that compared the estrogen agonist and antagonist activity of eight plant estrogens (genistein, daidzein, equol, miroestrol, deoxymiroestrol, 8-prenylnaringenin, coumestrol and resveratrol), at varying concentrations, seven of the eight phytoestrogens (all except resveratrol) gave similar maximal responses to that given by estrogen in cell-based assays which makes them full estrogen agonists.   (An agonist is amolecule that improves the activity of a different molecule.).

5. There is a great difference in the biological activity of oral administered resveratrol versus resveratrol directly administered to living cells in a lab dish.  Nature delivers resveratrol to needed tissues a little bit at a time.

6. The human equivalent of 1400 mg of resveratrol has been administered to mice without toxicity.  Resveratrol has passed the safety arm of three human clinical trials, two being cancer studies.

When should Longevinex be consumed?2022-04-18T10:14:40+00:00

Preferably with meals, as the French drink their red wine with meals.

Taking supplemental vitamin C at the same time as Longevinex when consuming food will negate the mineral chelating effects of Longevinex. It is best to take vitamin C supplements at a different time.

According to a recent study involving mice, published in Nature Magazine, a very high dose of resveratrol was employed, equivalent to 1575 milligrams in a 160-pound human. Is this the dosage needed for humans to get the same effect?

What happens if I experience side effects when taking Longevinex?2022-12-07T22:40:15+00:00

Users of Longevinex have different genetic makeup, dietary habits, medication use, and therefore their experience with Longevinex may differ. In some instances, undesirable side effects may be experienced. The following information may be helpful to you in this regard.

Reactive Hypoglycemia

A few people have what is called reactive hypoglycemia where blood sugar can drop and induce numbness or tingling in the fingers, hands, feet or face, or experience panic attacks, irritability, nervousness, insomnia, even heart palpitations, even 2-5 hours after meals or after taking diabetic medications. Uncommonly, some people who take Longevinex report these same symptoms, which can even occur hours after taking Longevinex. The ingredients in Longevinex are known to favorably influence blood sugar. However, among individuals who are prone to reactive hypoglycemia, their blood sugar may temporarily drop a bit too far, resulting in unwelcome symptoms. Our medical advisors suggest Longevinex be taken with food to help avoid any latent hypoglycemia that may occur, and to eat food at regular intervals throughout the day.


Excessive dosage of Longevinex may induce anemia, which can produce symptoms of fatigue, sleepiness (need to take naps), mental fatigue, Achilles heel tendonitis, leg cramps in bed, cold fingers and toes, craving for ice chips or acidic foods (example: tomatoes), insomnia, and other symptoms. Be aware of this. Blood tests for hemoglobin and ferritin can help confirm if you are truly anemic. Anemia is often a temporary condition dependent upon your dietary intake of iron and copper, and your consumption of vitamin C which improves mineral absorption. A few people are anemic due to chronic blood loss (such as undiagnosed bleeding gastric ulcers), or due to chronic inflammation or malignancy.

Don’t hesitate to contact your physician if you are experiencing a side effect. And contact Longevinex to report the issue.

Why do some people taking capsules that contain resveratrol experience fatigue or headaches after taking their first capsule?2022-05-03T08:44:12+00:00

While infrequent, both of these symptoms have been reported among users of resveratrol supplements. These symptoms may be indicators of anemia (iron shortage). It has been shown that women after childbirth are often anemic due to loss of blood during childbirth and hemoglobin levels less than 10 grams per deciliter result in nearly 7 in 10 post-delivery women experiencing a headache. [Journal Obstetrics Gynaecology 20: 35-38, January 2000] Resveratrol is a copper chelator (key-lay-tor), while other ingredients in Longevinex are iron chelators. Fatigue and sleepiness are commonly associated with anemia. The provision of supplemental iron to remedy this problem may be problematic as anemia may not be caused by a shortage of iron in the diet but rather chronic inflammation, infection or malignancy that causes the liver to produce iron-binding proteins to limit the amount of available unbound iron to make new red blood cells. In states of disease, the body binds up loose iron which can worsen infections and inflammation. A complete blood count will reveal hemoglobin and red blood cell levels, and a ferritin test will indicate the amount of stored iron. Your doctor may be able to ascertain if you are anemic and its cause.

BULLETIN concerning reports of Achilles heel tendonitis with resveratrol capsules

The Food & Drug Administration has issued a warning concerning certain antibiotics that pose the risk for Achilles heel inflammation or rupture.  The bulletin was for fluoroquinolone drugs, such as CIPRO (ciprofloxacin), and requests drug manufacturers to attach a black box warning on their products.  Patients are advised to immediately stop taking these medications if tendon pain is experienced.

Informal online reports of Achilles heel pain associated with high-dose resveratrol capsules is suggestive of a similar problem.  Resveratrol is a copper-chelator and high doses may impair collagen formation.

CIPRO is a mineral-chelating (kee-lay-ting) drug that interacts with iron, copper and magnesium.  In fact, supplemental magnesium, iron or copper can interfere with CIPRO-like antioxidants.

Mega-dosing on resveratrol or other mineral-chelating ingredients in Longevinex®, such as quercetin, rice bran IP6 and ferulic acid, is not recommended and may induce (a) anemia or (b) Achilles heel tendonitis.

Be aware.

Supplemental magnesium is a primary antidote, and vitamin E secondarily.  Also, some additional copper from foods (cocoa, almonds), but not supplements, are advised.  If using magnesium supplements, magnesium oxide is poorly absorbed (4%).  Use other forms of magnesium.

Should postmenopausal women take calcium supplements?2022-04-18T10:12:50+00:00

It is obvious that postmenopausal bone loss is not caused by a lack of calcium but rather a decline in the production of estrogen, which sends a signal to hold calcium in bones.  Hormone replacement improves bone density, whereas calcium supplementation produces variable results.  [Climateric 10: 257-63, 2007]   Some researchers now assert that &ldldquo;reliance on high calcium intakes to reduce the risk of hip fracture in older women is not appropriate.”  

When calcium supplementation is used alone, the risk for hip fracture rises significantly.  [Osteoporosis International Feb. 20, 2008 online]

Furthermore, as calcium is lost from bone it is deposited in blood vessels, resulting in hardening of the arteries.  Calcium supplementation in older women has recently been found to more than double the risk for a heart attack.  [British Medical Journal 336: 262-66, Feb. 2, 2008]

While many dieticians indicate dietary intake of calcium is insufficient, women and men in countries with high dairy calcium intake have much higher risk for hip fracture.  Countries that consume high amounts of dietary calcium (Scandinavian countries) have the highest risk for hip fracture while countries with the lowest calcium intake (Japan, Turkey) exhibit the lowest risk.  [Journal Bone Mineral Research 17: 1237-44, 2002]

In one study the consumption of more than 1200 mg per day of calcium conferred no significant reduced risk for a hip fracture compared to calcium intake below 400 milligrams per day.  [Bone 32: 694-703, 2003]

In Sweden, dietary intake of calcium is very high, over 1000 milligrams per day, yet the risk for hip fracture is the highest in the world.  Among men and women over age 50, the lifetime risk of a hip fracture in Sweden was 28.5% versus just 1% in Turkey where calcium consumption is low (below 700 mg).  [Journal Bone Mineral Research 17: 1237-44, 2002]

The only marginal reduced risk for hip fracture may be derived from the small amount of vitamin D that often accompanies calcium in many dietary supplement formulas.  Even then, no significant reduction in hip fracture is observed among women who consume less than 700 IU of vitamin D per day.  [Evidence Reports Technological Assessment 158: 1-235, 2007]

Vitamin D increases utilization of calcium from the diet and supplements and prevents calcification of arteries and provides a more ideal approach to postmenopausal bone health than calcium or calcium + vitamin D supplementation.  The widely recommended daily intake of calcium for postmenopausal women, 1200 mg, is supposed to be comprised of the diet plus supplements.  The typical American diet provides 800-1200 mg of calcium, and even a vegetarian consumes ~600 mg of calcium daily.  Compare this to rural Japanese women who have a low rate of hip fracture, consume ~400 mg of calcium from their diet, take no mineral supplements, and utilize concentrated forms of soy phytoestrogens (miso, tempeh) to maintain their bone integrity as they age.

In a misdirection, American women have been barraged with messages to consume more calcium.  The amount of calcium intake recommended by public health agencies is ~1200 milligrams, which is to be comprised from the diet plus supplements.  The amount of calcium needed to maintain calcium stores in the body is 741 milligrams per day.  [US Department of Agriculture December 6, 2007]  The diet is generally sufficient without taking supplements.

A more appealing strategy to retain bone calcium in the menopausal years would be to restore the signal to hold calcium in bones.  Botanical extracts such as resveratrol and quercetin have been shown to mimic estrogen (without exhibiting undesirable side effects or increasing the risk for hormone-related tumors) and to hold calcium in bones.  [Phytomedicine 2007 Dec; 14(12):806-14; Journal Bone Mineral Research 2000 Nov; 15(11):2251-8].  Vitamin D helps to utilize more calcium from the diet.  [Bone 2008 Feb; 42(2):271-7]

Are there any potential side effects from taking supra-high doses of resveratrol?2022-04-18T10:12:16+00:00

Are there any potential side effects from taking supra-high doses of resveratrol?

Yes. First, resveratrol is a copper chelator and copper is needed for production of collagen. Users of very high-dose (~500-2500 mg) resveratrol now commonly report Achilles heel tendonitis. Collagen may be compromised elsewhere in the body as well.

Another drawback of super-high doses of Longevinex may be iron-deficiency. Cold fingertips and toes accompanied by fatigue, pale skin and craving for acidic foods (tomatoes) may be signs of an iron shortage.

There are potential problems taking Longevinex with prescription medications. Some of the ingredients in Longevinex® may inhibit the activity of detoxification enzymes in the liver. A similar effect is produced by consumption of grapefruit juice with medications. This can result in medications working too well, producing side effects. For example, a person taking blood pressure-lowering drugs may find their blood pressure drops too low, producing temporary dizziness. It is best to take Longevinex at a different time from any medications.

A few people report easier skin bruising when taking Longevinex. The ingredients in Longevinex have a blood-thinning effect. Many consumers take up to 5 capsules a day of Longevinex without experiencing blood-thinning effects.

Some people taking resveratrol supplements report loose stool. This emanates from the emodin content in resveratrol supplements derived from Giant Knotweed. Longevinex is now virtually emodin free.

The ingredients in Longevinex help to reduce abnormally high levels of inflammatory agents, like TNF (tumor necrosis factor). TNF is a normal part of the human immune system. It helps to control bacterial and viral infection. With advancing years and the accumulation of metallic metals in the body, such as iron, copper, manganese, aluminum, too much TNF is produced which results in uncontrolled inflammation. The metal-chelating TNF inhibitors in Longevinex serve to reduce inflammation by limitation or removal of these metals.

However, excessive dosing of Longevinex may reduce TNF to sub-par levels and impair the immune response. If taking Longevinex and you develop a skin rash, stiff joints or flu-like symptoms, cease use and report this occurrence to Longevinex at 866 405-4000 or info@longevinex.com (include your phone number).
Any side effect believed to be associated with Longevinex which requires a doctor visit should be reported.

What is the proper dosage of resveratrol?2022-04-18T10:11:32+00:00

Avid followers of the developing story about longevity and resveratrol have been led to believe only very high doses of resveratrol mimic calorie restriction. This is untrue. While a mouse study did show the human equivalent of 1565 milligrams of resveratrol reversed fatty liver and maintained motor function as well as prolonged the life of mice given a very high-fat diet (60% fat calories), a much lower dose, 360 mg, was effective but went unreported. [Nature Magazine Nov. 1, 2006] Human only consume about 35% fat calories, so about 180 milligrams of resveratrol would likely produce the same benefits. Furthermore, a soon-to-be-published mouse study shows lower dose resveratrol (about 1/8th the amount used in the Nature Magazine study) fully mimics a calorie restricted diet. [University Wisconsin April 2008]

However, it must be noted that aged red wine produces beneficial health effects yet only provides a small amount (1 mg trans resveratrol per 5 oz glass), but does provide about 60 mg of other mineral-binding molecules (kaempferol, catechin, quercetin, others), or about 180 mg per 3 glasses, which is considered to be optimal. This is the reason why Longevinex® provides an array of mineral binding molecules in its unique formula, totaling 250 mgs per capsule.

Because many adults are learning of the overmineralization theory of aging in middle age and have years of accumulation of excess minerals in their body, they may benefit from a higher loading dose and a lower maintenance dose of Longevinex. The more capsules that are consumed the faster the excess minerals are removed. Up to three (3) capsules per day appear to be safe and effective. Long-term, a maintenance dose of 1 capsule per day appears to be adequate.

What’s the proper dosage?2022-05-03T08:45:20+00:00

Longevinex® users are begging for instruction as to the correct dosage for a 120-lb, 150-lb, 200-lb adult. The answer to the question of dosage is that there is a dosing dynamic. The dosage depends upon your age, sex, and amount of iron and calcium that has accumulated, not upon the concentration of these molecules in tissues.

A 40-year old male will have four times the calcium and double the iron stored in his body compared to an equally-aged adult female. Maybe 200 milligrams of copper, 1500-5000 milligrams of iron, and many thousands of milligrams of hardened calcium have accumulated in a middle-aged male.

It behooves one to think of a higher loading dose, and a lower maintenance dose, to hasten along the removal of excess minerals. Maybe 2-3 capsules of Longevinex® per day for a time, and then 1 capsule per day thereafter. Start with one capsule per day, to make sure you aren’t on the anemic side. Then work your way up to higher doses.

Don’t fall for the misinformation provided by other purveyors of mega-dose resveratrol capsules, to take up to 7000 milligrams of resveratrol per day. The latest science shows modest doses mimic calorie restriction. Furthermore, you can genomically enhance the effect of plain resveratrol 9-fold by taking Longevinex® without having to over-dose.

About 3-5 glasses of red wine yield profound health benefits. Tea totalers don’t live as long as modest red wine drinkers. However, it needs to be said that this amount of alcohol will impair driving. A good aged bottle of dark red wine, like a malbec red from the Mendoza region of Argentina, will yield about 1 milligram of resveratrol and about 60 milligrams of red wine grape polyphenols (resveratrol, quercetin, gallic acid, catechin, kaempferol, ferulic acid) per 5-ounce glass, all which are iron chelators.

So 3-to-5 glasses would provide about 180-300 milligrams of these molecules per day. Longevinex® provides 250 milligrams of these molecules (100 mg of trans resveratrol, or about what is provided in 1000 glasses of the best red wine). It is the total amount of these molecules, not just resveratrol, that produces the health benefits.

How can I tell if I am calcified or iron overloaded?2022-04-18T10:09:49+00:00

There are laboratory tests or scans which can provide a picture of the mineralization of the human body and may assist a person in determining their biological age.

Ferritin is the iron storage protein in the human body.  A ferritin count may help you determine your iron storage level.  In middle-aged adult males and postmenopausal females, a healthy ferritin number would be below 50 and no lower than about 20.

The ferritin number may be skewed by infection or malignancy.  In these states, the human body withholds iron from tissues by binding it to ferritin.  So your iron storage number may be abnormally high during states of infection or when fighting cancer.

A CT scan can be performed to determine if your arteries are hardened by calcium (calcification).  During the CT scan a calcium arterial score (called an Agatston score, name by Dr. Arthur Agatston, South Beach Miami, Florida cardiologist) can be obtained.  If your calcium arterial score is above zero, you have an increased risk for a heart attack.

An elevated blood calcium level only tells you whether your body is excreting excess calcium, like in postmenopause when women are losing calcium from their bones.  Blood calcium levels cannot be used to tell you if your cells or tissues are calcifying.

What do minerals have to do with switching genes?2022-04-18T10:09:24+00:00

Mineral accumulation or removal can exert genome-wide effects upon a living organism. [BMC Genomics 19 (8): 379, 2007] Genes do not express proteins on their own but rather do this in response to biological stressors, such as from overeating, starvation, exposure to solar radiation, physical activity, etc. It is minerals that primarily exert the influence over the genome.

Does Longevinex® activate the Sirtuin 1 gene?2022-05-03T08:46:08+00:00

Yes, in a molecular activation test, Longevinex® was found to activate the Sirtuin1 gene (Biomol, independent test). However, these types of tests may not be indicative of what is going on inside the body. Recently Dr. Leonard Guarente of MIT noted that a calorie restricted diet does not stimulate the Sirtuin1 gene, but rather stabilizes and inhibits degradation of proteins made by the Sirtuin1-gene. Resveratrol capsules are supposed to be a molecular mimic of calorie restriction. A recent gene array study that measured messenger RNA showed Longevinex® actually down-regulated the Sirtuin1 gene in a rodent study. However, Longevinex® may still have increased the amount of Sirtuin1 gene protein by exerting stabilizing effects in a similar manner as a calorie restricted diet. The big finding is that the Biomol Sirtuin1 gene activation test should not be considered a true test of the biological action of anti-aging capsules.

What quality control measures are taken during the manufacturing of Longevinex?2022-04-18T10:07:43+00:00

Longevinex is made in facilities deemed to meet Good Manufacturing Practices, as independently assessed by the National Sanitation Foundation.

All incoming batches of raw materials are tested for heavy metals, pesticides, bacteria, mold, and for dosage of active ingredients.

All raw materials that emanate from overseas or domestic sources are obtained from suppliers that also meet certification by the National Sanitation Foundation.

What is the emodin content of Longevinex?2022-04-18T10:07:19+00:00

What is the emodin content of Longevinex?

Emodin is naturally found in Giant Knotweed (botanical name: Polygonum cuspidatum), the plant from which resveratrol is extracted for use in dietary supplements. Emodin has laxative effects. Some sensitive individuals report loose stool when taking resveratrol and this is due to emodin content. Because Longevinex utilizes a source of Giant Knotweed that is more than 90% pure resveratrol extract,

Why have I been getting constipated taking the new Longevinex including vitamin D3 along with my extra vitamin D3 supplement?2022-04-18T10:06:51+00:00

Vitamin D enhances utilization of calcium and magnesium. Americans consume 3-4 times as much calcium as magnesium in their diet. Calcium causes constipation, and magnesium induces loose stool. There has to be a balance. Reduce or refrain from taking extra vitamin D separately from Longevinex and/or take some extra supplemental magnesium. Avoid supplemental calcium which accelerates aging.

Why has vitamin D been added to the Longevinex formula and how was the dosage determined?2022-04-18T10:06:27+00:00

Vitamin D3 has been described as a key that opens the genomic library. Since every cell in the body carries a copy of the entire human genome, one can begin to appreciate the widespread effect that vitamin D has upon human health, though this has gone unrecognized until recently. Vitamin D, actually the molecular representation of solar radiation in the body (UV-B sun rays activate production of vitamin D3 in the skin), is likened to a hormesis effect — a mild biological stressor that can activate defenses in the human body.

Vitamin D works synergistically with components in the Longevinex matrix, particularly in aiding the breakdown of the IP6 bran factor to IP3. Also, resveratrol works to sensitize the vitamin D receptor on the surface of cells. These serve as examples for the demonstrated superiority of the new Longevinex with its unique matrix of nutraceuticals rather than resveratrol alone, as found in many other brands.

The dosage of vitamin D3, 1200 IU per capsule (30 micrograms) is approximated to be what 15 minutes of midday summer sun exposure would produce (total body sun exposure). No side effects have been reported for this dosage. The toxic range for vitamin D does not theoretically begin till 40,000 IU are consumed for a prolonged period of time. The current recommended daily allowance for vitamin D, 400 IU, is now deemed to be inadequate and will measurably raise blood concentrations or liver stores.

Safety margin of Vitamin D3 in Longevinex

400 IU Present recommended daily allowance

2000 IU Amount in Longevinex, per serving. Present safe upper limit (outmoded)Recommended minimum intake by Vitamin D Council

4,000 IU Needed to raise blood levels of vitamin D

10,000 IU produced by 1 hour of total body midday summer sun with no side effects

40,000 IU per day, amount where side effects begin after prolonged intake

What is in Longevinex®?2022-04-18T10:05:48+00:00

Longevinex® initially gained worldwide attention in the news media as a unique dietary supplement that laboratory researchers themselves use and for being manufactured under near-pharmaceutical standards, with particular attention to preservation of trans resveratrol by special airtight encapsulation technologies.

Longevinex® is a unique blend of nutraceuticals fashioned to control minerals in your body and to exert a favorable influence over your genome.  Longevinex® is designed around a theory of aging (overmineralization theory) which can be found on this website.  To gain a better understanding of why humans age, you will want to read that theory.

The human genome is a complete package of genetic material, organized in chromosomes. A complete copy of the genome is found in most cells.  The human body only has ~30,000 genes, a surprisingly smaller number than initially anticipated.

When proven methods of improving the human healthspan and lifespan are employed, such as a calorie restricted diet, only about 200 of these genes are significantly affected.  This again is a very small number of genes that can have a profound effect upon human health.  This is less than 1% of the human genome.

The ingredients in Longevinex® are known to molecularly mimic the effects of calorie restriction via a single gene, Sirtuin 1.

Since calorie restriction is an unequivocal intervention that can prolong life (cutting caloric intake in half will roughly double the lifespan of most living organisms), this means a relatively few genes may be able to control the rate of aging.

The Longevinex® matrix exerts influence over a far greater array of genes than plain resveratrol, which will be soon demonstrated in published laboratory studies.


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